Classic books for children

Recently Times has announced 100 all-time lists of classic books for children. And I decided to share some of them with you. So dear friends, letʼs go incredible world of literature.
Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak. The adventure that has inspired generations of children to let out their inner monsters, showing how imagination allows for an escape from lifeʼs doldrums. Itʼs also a moving testament to family love: when young Max returns from his reverie, his mother has saved him a hot dinner. This Medal-winning picture book has become one of the most highly acclaimed and best-loved childrenʼs books of all time. A must for every childʼs bookshelf. This iconic story has inspired a movie, an opera, and the imagination of generations.
Owl Moon Late One winter night a little girl and her father go owling. The trees stand still as statues and the world is silent as a dream. Whoo-whoo-whoo, the father calls to the mysterious nighttime bird. But there is no answer. Wordlessly the two companions walk along, for when you go owling you donʼt need words. You donʼt need anything but hope. Sometimes there isnʼt an owl, but sometimes there is. Distinguished author Jane Yolen has created a gentle, poetic story that lovingly depicts the special companionship of a young child and her father as well as humankindʼs close relationship to the natural world. Wonderfully complemented by John Schoenherrʼs soft, exquisite watercolor illustrations, this is a verbal and visual treasure, perfect for reading around and sharing at bedtime.
Tuesday David Wiesner received the 1991 Caldecott Medal for Tuesday. In the years that followed, he went on to receive two more Caldecotts, and Tuesday went on to sell half a million copies in the United States and to be published in a dozen foreign countries. Now, with remarkable advances in the technology of color reproduction, the original artwork for Tuesday is being reproduced anew, for an edition even more faithful to the palette and texture of David Wiesnerʼs watercolor paintings. The whimsical account of a Tuesday when frogs were airborne on their lily pads will continue to enchant readers of all ages.
Prepared by DILNAVOZ