Assalomu alaykum! “Gulxan” jurnali saytiga xush kelibsiz!

Saytimizda bir-biridan qiziqarli maqolalar, hikoyalar, ertaklar va she’rlarni o‘qishingiz mumkin. Turli fanlarga oid ma’lumotlar bilimlaringizni yanada boyitishga yordam beradi!

He promised



Jackie’s father didn’t allow him to stay in the playground after school hours. His father said he must come straight home. But one day Jackie forgot about it and came home very late, very dirty and very tired.

– Look here, – said his father angrily, – didn’t you promise me that you wouldn’t stay out and play games?

– Yes, father, – was the answer.

– And didn’t I promise to punish you if you stayed?

– Yes, father, – said Jackie, – but as I didn’t keep my promise, why should you keep yours?

2016–2023 © “Gulxan” jurnali tahririyati. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. Saytdan ma’lumot olinganda manba ko‘rsatilishi shart.