Assalomu alaykum! “Gulxan” jurnali saytiga xush kelibsiz!

Saytimizda bir-biridan qiziqarli maqolalar, hikoyalar, ertaklar va she’rlarni o‘qishingiz mumkin. Turli fanlarga oid ma’lumotlar bilimlaringizni yanada boyitishga yordam beradi!


Teacher: – What do we get from sheep?

Pupil: – Wool.

Teacher: – And what do we make from wool?

Pupil: – I don’t know.

Teacher: – Well, what is your coat made of?

Pupil: – My coat was made from father’s old coat.


A teacher asked her class to write an essay about a football match. A minute later all students were writing except one boy. The teacher looked at his paper and there was written “The game stopped in the first minute by rain.”



the pupil of 3rd course in Nukus Pedagogical collage

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