Assalomu alaykum! “Gulxan” jurnali saytiga xush kelibsiz!

Saytimizda bir-biridan qiziqarli maqolalar, hikoyalar, ertaklar va she’rlarni o‘qishingiz mumkin. Turli fanlarga oid ma’lumotlar bilimlaringizni yanada boyitishga yordam beradi!

Meeting with foreign teacher

Hello my, friends! How are you? Dears, have you ever been interested in Presidential schools so far? Today we are going to introduce you, pupils of Abdulla Kadiri school of creativity and their stories, poems written in English! But I know, YOU also can write something in English!!!

November was Foreign Languagesʼ month in the school. Abigail Jolaoluwa, english teacher from Nigeria visited to this event. Pupils of the school were attended with their creative performances in English. In particular:

– Songs and dances were sung by 6th and 7th grade pupils;

– 8th grade pupils presented musicals performances in English;

– Phraseological performances in English prepared by 9th grade pupils;

The pupils showed their knowledge and talent in English to guests and teachers. In order to improve the their knowledge on English, different competitions were held and the winners were awarded in that day. The competition was held in the following directions:

a) A video about the life and work of any representative of world literature;

b) Song which was sung in English (video);

c) A poem or short story written in English (including translations)

The winners were awarded with souvenirs and certificates.

At the end of the celebration, Ms Abigail shared her impressions over the event, Abdulla Kadiriʼs creative school and its pupils.

At the same time, a round table discussion was organized between the guest and pupils. During the conversation, students received answers to their questions. The most important thing is to create a real English environment among pupils. This supported pupilsʼ interest in learning foreign languages to improve, as well as their vocabulary and pronunciation skills. National hat “doppi” which presented by our school as a souvenir was an unexpected gift for Nigerian guest.


 English teacher: Naima SOKHIBOVA

2016–2023 © “Gulxan” jurnali tahririyati. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. Saytdan ma’lumot olinganda manba ko‘rsatilishi shart.