Assalomu alaykum! “Gulxan” jurnali saytiga xush kelibsiz!

Saytimizda bir-biridan qiziqarli maqolalar, hikoyalar, ertaklar va she’rlarni o‘qishingiz mumkin. Turli fanlarga oid ma’lumotlar bilimlaringizni yanada boyitishga yordam beradi!

Bizning toʻgarak

Havas qiling!

Dilnavoz Najimova chinakam adabiyot muxlisi. 4-sinfdan boshlab she’r, xabarlari bilan “Gulxan” jurnaliga qatnashib keladi. Mehnatkash, izlanuvchan, yosh ijodkorlardan biri. O‘z ustida ishlashdan to‘xtamaydi. Shu sababli she’rdan she’rga mahorati oshib bordi. U bugunning bilimdon yoshlari safida, desak xato bo‘lmaydi. Ingliz, rus tillarini chuqur…


Vatanga talpinib urmoqda yurak

Toshkent viloyati Bekobod tumanidagi “Ilhom” ijodkorlar klubi 2005-yilda tashkil topgan. Unga iste’dodli pedagog shoir Nurali Jalil rahbarlik qiladi. Yuragida adabiyotga mehr, ijodga ishtiyoq bo‘lgan o‘nlab yoshlarni biriktirgan ushbu klub shu kungacha 500 ga yaqin havaskorlarga she’riyatdan saboq berdi. Ularning iqtidorini yuzaga chiqarishda…



This is the season

When fruits are sweet.

This is the season

When school-friends meet.


I’m big. I’m grey,

My nose is long.

My tail is short.

I’m an...


I’m little, I’m grey,

My nose is short.

My tail is long.

I am a...


Aziza ASQARJON qizi,

the pupil of Pakhtaobod

agriculture college

Sardoba district, Sirdarya region



Mother! Your name is a patroness in souls,

You are here, so I have no another dream.

You are my dearest, priceless and flawless,

Unique in the world, and so in this stream.

Shining like the sun in the sky,

Being always here, as a night butterfly.

Sorrow and darkness, can’t cover my inside,

Because you are here, and time stops to fly.

You are…


Sirg‘ali tumanidagi 104-maktab o‘quvchilari ijodidan

Uch yildirki, Toshkent shahar Sirg‘ali tumanidagi 104-maktabda “Adabiyot olamida”, “She’riyat olamida” hamda “Yosh qalamkash va notiq” to‘garaklari faoliyat yuritmoqda.

Tahririyatga yuborilgan to‘garak a’zolari ijodini kuzatar ekanmiz, ularning ijodiy mahorati tobora oshib, fikr doiralari kengayib borayotganligini kuzatib quvondik. Bu…


Yomg‘ir, yomg‘ir, yomg‘irjon

Sergeli tumanidagi 300-maktabda o‘quvchilarning iqtidorini ro‘yobga chiqarish va rivojlantirish maqsadida “Kichik akademiya” tashkil qilingan. O‘quv yili boshida bolalar psixologik test topshiradi. So‘ngra bolalari haqida ota-onalar ham testdan o‘tishadi. Shu tarzda o‘quvchining iqtidori aniqlanadi va layoqatiga qarab kichik akademiyada faoliyat…


The goose that laid the golden eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

They imagined that if the bird is able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious…


The lion and the rabbit

A cruel Lion lived in the forest. He killed and ate a lot of animals every day. The other animals were afraid of Lion would kill them all.

The animals told the Lion, “Let’s make a deal. If you promise to eat only one animal every day, then you don’t have to hunt and kill us.”

The plan sounded well thought out to the Lion so he agreed but he also…


Yaxshi inson bo‘lish istagi

Fotima-Zuhra Inog‘omovalar Shayxontohur tumanidagi 40-maktabning 4-sinfida o‘qishadi. Maktabning jamoat ishlarida faol, izlanuvchan, a’lochi o‘quvchilar. Bu opa-singillar ikki yildan buyon tahririyatimiz qoshidagi “Yosh qalamkashlar” to‘garagida faol qatnashib, o‘z bilimlarini oshirishmoqda. Ushbu sahifamizda ular ijodidan ayrimlarini sizga taqdim…


“Qaqnus” adabiyot va jurnalistika to‘garagi a’zolari ijodidan

Mana bir necha yildirki, Jizzax viloyati G‘allaorol tumani “Barkamol avlod” bolalar markazi qoshidagi “Qaqnus” adabiyot va jurnalistika to‘garagi a’zolari yozgan she’r, hikoya, maqolalar jurnalimizda e’lon qilib borilyapti. Havaskorlar mashqlarida yangi bir fikr aytishga, yangi tashbehlar va o‘xshatishlar topishga intilmoqda. Mavzu va fikrlar boyib…



A little boy was in the garden and he saw a snake for the first time. He ran to his mother and said:

– Come quick, mummy. There is a tail without a body in the garden.


Prepared by Sh. KARIMOVA



What can you see with your eyes shut?

(A dream)


My father’s son is not my brother. Who is he?

(It is me)


I have three eyes, all in a row.

When the red one opens, all freeze.

(traffic light)


Round the year

On December 22, we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. On that day winter begins.

On March 21, when the day is as long as the night, spring begins.

On June 22 we have the longest day and the shortest night of the year and summer begins.

On September 23, the day is as long as night. On that day autumn begins.



What has four legs but cannot walk?


Big mouth, small tongue.

If you pull its tail, it will jump and cry.

What is it?


Prepared by Sh. KARIMOVA



  • Speech is silver, silence is golden.


  • Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.


  • Live and learn.


  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.


  • Two heads are better than one.


  • First think, then speak.


He promised



Jackie’s father didn’t allow him to stay in the playground after school hours. His father said he must come straight home. But one day Jackie forgot about it and came home very late, very dirty and very tired.

– Look here, – said his father angrily, – didn’t you promise me that you wouldn’t stay out and play games?

– Yes, father, – was the…



Singular or popular?

Teacher: – Is trousers singular or plural, John?

Pupil: – Singular at the top and plural at the bottom.


At an examination

At a college examination a professor asked:

– Is the question too difficult for you?

– Not at all, sir, – answered the student.

– Not at all. It is quite…



Give me wood and I will live,

Give me water and I will die.

What am I?



What begins with “P” and ends with “E” and has 1000 letters?


Prepared by

Muhammadsodiq DONAYEV,

the student of 4th course

Uzbek State World Language University



World has got animals

They are lion, tortoise,

Frog, birds and bear,

Wolf, snake and deer.


They live in the mountains,

Desert, water and forests

Monkey eats bananas,

Deer eats grasses.



the pupil of school № 38

in Yangiariq district, Khorezm region



Teacher: – What do we get from sheep?

Pupil: – Wool.

Teacher: – And what do we make from wool?

Pupil: – I don’t know.

Teacher: – Well, what is your coat made of?

Pupil: – My coat was made from father’s old coat.


A teacher asked her class to write an essay about a football match. A minute…


“She’riyat gulshani” adabiy to‘garagi a’zolari ijodidan

Uchtepa tumani 283-maktab qoshida ijodkor o‘qituvchi Muhiba Rajabova rahbarligida tashkil etilgan “She’riyat gulshani” adabiy to‘garagi bugungi sahifamiz mehmoni. Yosh qalamkashlarning eng sara she’rlaridan e’tiboringizga havola qilamiz.



Lolalardan to‘shaldi gilam,

Bahor taqdi…


“Hazrat Haziniy” to‘garagi a’zolari ijodidan

Karimaxon Ashurova rahbarlik qilib kelayotgan “Hazrat Haziniy” to‘garagini nafaqat Bag‘dodda, balki butun Farg‘ona viloyatida yaxshi bilishadi.

100 dan ortiq iqtidorli yoshlarni ijod qozonida qaynatib, qalamini charxlayotgan iste’dod maktabi mana 18 yildirki faoliyat yuritib kelmoqda. To‘garak…


Rassomlik tabiiylikdan boshlanadi

(havaskorlar ijodiga bir nazar)

“Assalomu alaykum, hurmatli “Gulxan” jurnali tahririyati! Biz, Sirdaryo viloyati, Mirzaobod tumanidagi 1-maktabning 3-“B” sinf o‘quvchilari, ishlaringizda omad, jurnal sahifalarini rang-barang, qiziqarli hamda mazmunli tayyorlashingizda kuch-g‘ayrat tilaymiz. Biz jurnal…


“Kitob eng yaxshi hamroh”

Angren shahar “Barkamol avlod” yoshlar ijodiyot markazidagi “Yosh jurnalist va notiq” to‘garagi a’zolari ijodidan


Tabiat bazmi

Moviy osmon qo‘ynida

Turna sayr etar.

Shabboda qo‘shig‘iga

Yaproq raqs etar.

Maysalar qarsak chalib

Tolish bilmaydi,

Qushlar yoqimli sayrab

Horish bilmaydi.

Bugun bahor navosi

Kezar o‘lkamda,

Uning xushbo‘y havosi



2016–2023 © “Gulxan” jurnali tahririyati. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. Saytdan ma’lumot olinganda manba ko‘rsatilishi shart.